Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Embrace or Attack

Should we embrace or attack traditions, should we embrace or attack changes, neither. Tradition as to do a lot with our moral standing, I know not everything, but for major traditions some times it does, so in that case. Does the change in the world go against your moral standing? Yes? Then don't attack, just choose to know that others have different views and different ways of living. Some people are gung ho about changing the ways of the world, and others are locked down on keeping every tradition of the past alive. One thing I see most around my house is tattoos. My brother and his wife both have several, now tattoos are a big hot new trend. They have been around a while, and this up and coming generation isn't the only one out there to have them, BUT they are the most voiced about it, and are taking it up a notch. My father is not for this new trend, but didn't reject the idea of my brother going out and getting what he wanted done. A case of agree to disagree and do what you think is good for you. My dad did not attack my brother, question his moral standing, or sit him down and talk with him and say what he did was bad. He realized that his son and himself have different views, and that he is old enough to make that decision for himself.

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